Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Becoming one with OM through your sadhana.. . daily spiritual practice...

When you perform an activity (kriya) as an offering to the Lord, your own good, what is good for others, and the highest good (swartha, parartha, and paramaartha) all merge!
First, you and I become we. Next we and He becomes One.
The individual soul, the ‘I’ (jiva) should accomplish identity first with the creation (prakriti) and then with the Supreme Divine (Paramatma). This indeed is the significance of the mantra Om Tat Sat (which connects the identity of the individual with the Universal Brahman).
‘He’ and ‘I’ are always there; the spiritual practice (sadhana) is always there too. Just as the sun is inseparable and is never apart from its rays, under no circumstances should any aspirant part with one’s sadhana. It is only then they can be said to be one with Om.
- Prema Vahini.
Sathya Sai Baba

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